Cloud Summer Dance & Cuddle
Crowdfunding to Support Cloud
On this very special occasion, we invite you to celebrate the summer and Cloud’s 2nd anniversary with a crowdfunding event.
We come into our bodies with heart-opening group connection activities. We then surrender to the rhythm, as DJ Yuli conducts a Musical Journey, carrying us on waves of entrancing melodies. The pulsations then soften, and we move into the cocoon of the Cuddle Space for the freeform cuddling that follows. The intimacy we share deepens the connections among us. But no celebration would be complete without loosing ourselves once again in the expression of dance thanks to DJ Giulia who spins electronic beats for us. In this experience of music, touch, and connection, we can stay all night, enjoying the vibrant energy and the presence of each other.
Join us for this special journey as we cherish our community and support Cloud for more beautiful things to come. We can’t wait to see you there.
What is Cloud?
Cloud – Touch & be Touched (cloudevents.ch)
What to Expect?
17:00 – Arrival & Potluck
19:00 – Opening circle
19:20 – Outdoor Connection activities
20:00 – Outdoor Musical Journey by DJ Yuli
22:00 Freeform Cuddling in Cuddle Space
00:00 Dancing with DJ Giulia
Spend the rest of the night, dancing until dawn, or sleeping on the premises.
Support Cloud
We kindly invite you to support our endeavor Cloud. If you find value in what we do, consider putting this in a monetary form, Just add what feels right to you to your ticket. Your act of generosity, regardless of its magnitude, will echo in our hearts. We thank you for your contribution.
If you can’t join but wish to contribute to the project anyway, you can send us your donation to the IBAN CH54 0900 0000 1612 7719 4 (Alp Tekyildiz).
DJ Giulia
DJ Yuli
What to bring
- Comfortable indoor clothes, e.g. yoga clothes (you can change at the venue).
- Snacks for potluck and a water bottle.
- Sleeping bag if you plan on spending the night.
- Picnic blanket and layers for outdoor cuddling.
How much (flexible pricing)
- Min. price to cover costs: 40.-
- Crowdfunding: Donate what you can to support Cloud!
Why flexible pricing?
We wish for you to participate in a Cloud experience regardless of your financial situation. For this reason, we make our prices flexible. Please pick an amount according to your financial means. If the minimum value is still unaffordable, you can contact us.
Register: Summer Dance & Cuddle – 19.08.23 – Cloud (cloudevents.ch)