Love, Relationships & You: Heart iQ Experience with Christian Pankhurst
Love, Relationships & You
This event will be a longer immersion into the transformative practices of Heart iQ.
The primary purpose is to leave you with relationship enhancing tools that you can apply and use instantly in all areas of your life, whether you are in a romantic relationship or not. It’s perfect for anyone passionate about becoming better at the art of relating, whether it’s to deepen your connection with your partner, your children or your tribe.
More information about the content: https://www.heartiq.org/lry
** Experience the Magic of Heart Intelligence **
In a single event you can discover more about yourself than you could in years. It’s the benefit of being in an amplified field together with a tribe of courageous, loving and open Hearts.
** What Is Heart iQ? Why does it matter? **
„Heart iQ’s mission is to offer men, women and couples, teams and communities a healthy imprint for being fully conscious, compassionate & connected with themselves and to others. Through a process of experiential and embodied practice, participants are lovingly and expertly guided to meet and embrace all aspects of themselves, together with others in community and tribe. By doing this important work, we put an end to the passing down of toxic pain and dysfunction from one generation to the next, so that our children can help shape a better world.“
** What is the Heart iQ Experience of Love, Relationship & You? **
During these 3 1/2 days of „Love, Relationships & You“, you will be guided by Christian, step-by-step, day-by-day to increase your Heart iQ. Deep personal happiness, healthy intimate relationships and resonant communities are created when these tools are learned, practiced and used in daily life. If you feel called to study a deeper, richer, more heart-based approach to authentic connection and intimacy in relationships, then look no further – this workshop will help you get there.
In this experience, you’ll be in a potent, transformational team with Christian, allowing you to experience new and liberating ways to connect to your true essence and melt the defensive walls that keep you from opening your Heart and tapping your potential that is buried beneath years of habitual closure and conditioning.
When we communicate in a way where the aim is not to say the ‘right thing’, but the ‘real thing’, we end up communicating our authentic essence and heart – integrating our higher realms of consciousness with the perfectly imperfect wounded parts of our humanity.
Heart iQ is highly intuitive. It’s a language you already know deep down, but to which you have lost access. You were born with it, but it’s been conditioned out of you by our mentally driven culture.
You’ll get to practice opening, not through psychological analysis, processing of your stories or digging up your past, but through exercises that connect you to your body, your life force and your vast depth of emotion and feeling.
You’ll learn how to communicate your truth from the deepest part of you, helping you express and share yourself with others and the world. In essence, you’ll be learning a new language — a language of unconditional love that goes way beyond the verbal expression that most of us realy upon.
It is a language that connects our Hearts, and when you become fluent, you’ll have the key to unlock unlimited Joy.
Deep personal happiness, healthy intimate relationships and resonant communities are created when these tools are learned, practiced and used in daily life.
If you feel called to study a deeper, richer, more heart-based approach to authentic leadership and connection, then look no further – the Heart iQ Experience will help you get there.
** Schedule**
Tursday: 3 pm – 10 pm
Friday: 9.30am – 9.30pm
Saturday: 9.30am – 9.30pm
Sunday: 9.30am – 5pm
** Your investment **
Food and accommodation costs are not included in the ticket price. We will offer delicious vegan meals. Please write us an email if you would like to book your meals as well. Elana Andermatt, Andrea Bergamini will reply your questions: heartiq_zuerich@jupiterhaus.ch
** Facilitator **
Christian Pankhurst
Christian is the founder of Heart iQ and author of ‚Insights to Intimacy‘ – Why Relationships Fail and How to Make Them Work. He is a world-leading authority on heart-centered communication and heart intelligent relationships. Christian is the co-founder of New Eden, a community and retreat centre where the work is put into practice with others in conscious community.