Melting into Mystery – Tempel-Experience

A Temple Experience with Tinka & Alp

Welcome to a sensual new Temple experience. On this journey, we are invited to let go of all that holds us.
Imagine shedding all that binds us: our fears, to be alone, to not make connections; our desires, to connect with that gorgeous being, feel their body, experience pleasure and ecstasy. How much do these affect our behaviour in these spaces? And how would that feel like, to not be held from these bindings at all? Can we let go of these patterns we follow, of hunter and prey, and simply Be?

Let us embrace the Void where we let go of it all, become empty, and Flow. Flow like a leaf on the wind never knowing, nor caring, where the next moment will be. Flow with content even if we made no connection. Only then can we melt into Mystery, where the everything that lies within the nothing can happen.

19:30 to 02:00
(doors open 18:30)

What to bring
• Something beautiful to wear.
• Lunghi/Sarong/Pareo/towel to wear during some practices.
• Food to share for potluck.
• Water bottle.
• (optional) Towel and toiletries if you wish to shower.

How much (flexible pricing)
• Early bird: CHF 133 (for the first 10)
Use coupon: “EarlyBird-Mystery-S96Q” at checkout
• Regular: CHF 166 to 333
• Late: CHF 188 to 333

Registration and mor informations: Melting into Mystery – 24.02.24 – Cloud (

Tinka                                                                   Alp